Massachusetts Court Suggests That Colleges May Have Duty To Prevent Student Suicides.

Perhaps nowhere are mental health concerns more prevalent than in universities. Stress is a major trigger of mental health disorders, and there is plenty of stress to be found while in college or graduate school. Universities are constantly encouraged to make sure that their services relating to mental health are adequate, but sadly students still turn to suicide at an unacceptable rate. In such a situation, it may be wise to contact an expert wrongful death attorney at 617-787-3700 or at

After meeting with one of his professors at MIT, Hans Nguyen tragically committed suicide by jumping off a building. Nguyen had a history of mental health problems, including two suicide attempts. Nonetheless, after Nguyen’s family filed suit on his behalf, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts found that MIT had no general duty to prevent the suicide of anyone.

However, the Court did potentially leave room for liability for a university in failing to prevent a suicide. The circumstances are limited, according to the Court, and as of yet not well-defined, but the Court went so far as to suggest that professors and others who are not medically trained may themselves have such a duty. Nguyen was represented by attorney Jeffrey Beeler, who operates out of Boston, Massachusetts.

If a loved one has been killed as the result of the negligence of another, you may be entitled to monetary relief. Act now and contact one of our expert wrongful death attorneys here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to discuss your potential claim. Call us today at 617-787-3700 or email us at for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!



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