An asphalt zipper is a large piece of machinery used to expedite the typically lengthy process of breaking up, shaping and compacting asphalt on a roadway. The machine is frequently used at road repair construction sites, but negligent use of the machine at a Saratoga Springs, New York construction site on November 27th left one construction worker dead.
Nicholaus Blatnick, 31, was killed instantly that Tuesday afternoon when he got caught in an asphalt zipper owned by Diamond S Co. construction company. The asphalt zipper was being used at the time to excavate a roadway.
Workers shut off the machine immediately and called emergency crews, but Blatnick was declared dead at the scene.
Blatnick’s employer, Diamond S Co., was repairing asphalt on top of a new gas line for Questar Gas. Questar personnel and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration were at the scene soon after the wrongful death accident, along with a crisis intervention team that worked with Blatnick’s co-workers.
Have you or a loved one sustained injuries in a construction site accident? Has a loved one died in a construction site accident? If so, please call our expert Boston, MA construction site injury lawyers, Boston, MA personal injury lawyers or Boston, MA wrongful death lawyers right now at 617-787-3700 or email us at to discuss the monetary compensation you deserve.
Our Massachusetts construction site accident lawyers, Boston, MA accident injury attorneys and Boston, Massachusetts wrongful death accident attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 617-787-3700. Our Massachusetts job site accident attorneys, Boston personal injury lawyers and Massachusetts wrongful death attorneys offer a free, confidential consultation to discuss the nature of your construction site accident claim.
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