A wrongful death suit filed by the parents of 20-year-old Martin Gasque has named several groups, including tailgaters, responsible for his death. He was killed in 2010 in a fight that occurred after a football game at the University of South Carolina.
According to witnesses, Gasque and a fan of the opposing team exchanged heated words while leaving the big game. They both exited the trucks they were traveling in and a fight ensued. Witnesses say Simms punched Gasque in the face, knocking him to the ground and under the wheel of Gasque’s friend’s pickup truck. The friend, Adam Paxton, veered off the road without checking for Gasque’s whereabouts, crushing his chest and head with his front tire.
In addition to naming Simms and Paxton in the wrongful death suit, the parents of the deceased are suing a young man who invited Simms to a tailgating party where alcohol was served, the owners of the Shop Road property where the alcohol was served and a former USC football player who had leased the tailgating space where the tailgating party was held on that specific day. They theory is similar to that which holds bars accountable for patrons who overdrink and do something reckless. This is the first case in South Carolina that will attempt to hold tailgaters responsible for the alcohol they provide and the consequences of binge drinking before and during games.
There are many types of damages sustained by close family members in Massachusetts wrongful death cases that are eligible for monetary compensation under Massachusetts wrongful death law. If someone you love was killed and you would like to find out whether you have a viable legal claim for wrongful death damages, please call 617-787-3700 or email info@gilhoylaw.com, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to speak with an expert Massachusetts wrongful death attorney.
If you would like to talk to an expert in Massachusetts wrongful death cases, call 617-787-3700 for a free, confidential consultation with one of our highly skilled Boston, MA wrongful death lawyers.
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